Product Description
The elegant sobriety of CYRPTO, combined with state-of-the-art lighting technology, ensures its over-average versatility. It can easily be integrated in just about any architectural environment and ful ls every requirement - lighting paths in compliance with safety standards, used in a row, as design-oriented decorative lighting or as a standard guidance system.
Various light distributions, lumen packages, sizes and snoitarugnocmake these highly adaptable Depending on personal taste and the area of installation, CRYPTO can be used as pole-top luminaire. When the optional luminaire is added to the latter, it produces a symbolic, almost archetypal effect without loosing its characteristically modern simplicity.
Light distribution
İnput Voltage:
IP Rate:
Impact Resistance:
Beam Angle:
Version Product Code
Version Power
Version CCT
Version Dimensions
Version Lumen